


Canto III is the 3rd album of Funeral Doom Metal band Eye of Solitude, that will be released on November 25th (Europe) and December the 3rd (USA), thorough Kaotoxin Records. Based in London UK, the band was founded in 2011 by it’s vocalist Daniel Neagoe and since then they’ve released 2 albums and 2 EPs.
Now, writing this review is indeed very personal to me for two big reasons: first, these guys are some of the most awesome people I met my entire life, while Mr. Daniel is like family. Second, I wasn’t too much into doom metal few years ago but thanks to Eye of Solitude’s first album, “The Ghost” (released in 2012), my interest grew exponentially for the genre. With all that being said, one might doubt my level of honesty in regarding this review, but I’ll try and be as objective as possible.
Unlike the previous material, Canto III tends to have a different output – while not leaving aside the funeral doom elements, it also brings out a more theatrical feature to the songs, which are noted as “acts”. Differences can be also felt even on the side of production and mixing…if you liked the quality of the previous releases, then you’ll definitely want to fuck this motherfucker! It might be a six track album, but long enough to give you the chills and vibes.
Before taking each song apart, I gotta talk about the interludes, frequently placed in the middle of the songs. For me, they’re the backbone of the album and you’ll acknowledge that while reading further. Not every doom band use them in their music, so they are pretty rare thing if not unique in this case, considering the themes and aesthetics that characterize them.
Another great aspect – the up-and-down transitions – from slow, dark and at sometimes melodic parts, to a deep guttural voice accompanied by a raw and technical noise from the instrumentals, eventually switching to those interludes.

“Act I Between Two Worlds (Occularis Infernum)”
Canto III’s intro song, also the longest, is my favorite. It greets you with a funeral and gloomy atmosphere, that would perfectly fit the trailer or introduction of a dark drama movie; whereupon the funeral doom begins.
One more interesting thing about this song, the reason why I love it the most is because of it’s complexity – after an awesome interlude, this time, the song’s shape adopts a suicidal black metal aspect, similar to the great “Shining” (the one from Sweden). And that’s a compliment! Because “Shining” is my all time favorite black metal band.

“Act II Where The Descent Began”
I’d consider the best part of this song is the end of interlude and what comes after. The transition is made by an intense emotion of desperation expressed by the vocals, supported by a frantic sound from the keys and drums. So good job Mr. Pedro (keys) and Mr. Adriano (drums), you’ve nailed it!

“Act III He Who Willingly Suffers”
Just like Act I, Act III starts with a calm intro. In Act III the guitars are the most impressive, especially the solo. Both Mr. Indee and Mr. Mark get the applause after the Act III.

“Act IV The Pathway Had Been Lost”
Right off the bat, this song has the best interlude! Love that crying desperate voice!
The songs may have a common structure, but musically, thematically and technically speaking, they’re different; everyone of them excels through something. And that’s the most important reason why Canto III is a fascinating album, worth listening from the first to the last second.

“Act V I Sat In Silence” and “Act VI In The Desert Vast”
When reaching the final two songs, these things come to mind: obvious elements from “Awoken By Crows” (Eye of Solitude’s previous album) in Act V, and one more small burst of “Shining” influences in Act VI.

Like I mentioned the terms “dark drama movie” and “theatrical” earlier, I do think these are some of the main characteristics of Canto III – the art within art idea worked amazingly well with the interludes, it gave the album a story, something the listener can actually visualize not just listen and feel. And I always liked Mr. Daniel’s low gutturals and cleans, but the level of emotion in his vocals during the Act I, III and IV are soul crushing. This time, he outdone himself.
I honestly don’t consider Canto III just a new great release, Canto III is THE release that will definitely make Eye Of Solitude a bigger name in their scene, and no doubt, one of the best Funeral Doom Metal materials you’ll encounter this year.


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