
Album Review :~ Nechochwen - Heart of Akamon

When some one tells you about black/folk metal at first a landscape will click automatically in your imaginary such as burly warriors shouting from the top of the distant mountains, the sound of a thousand soldiers marching on to the mountains singing battle hymns, their footsteps pounding like drums, and a hundred bards gathering their instruments to play a tune that will turn this battle into folklore, while wood sprites and faeries help them compose their melodies. While some excellent ,unique band attempting to sell their flavor of the month band to potential listeners, there are some that simply exist outside of pre-existing molds. Some challengers exist, such as Nechochwen, a phenomenal addition to the Black metal roster.
On this year West Virginia based US black/folk metal band Nechochwen unveiled their third full length album entitled “Heart Of Akamon” via Nordvis Produktion record label with 43:45 min running time . This new album consist with 8 tracks . Nechochwen are classified as Folk Metal, but whereas most music in that genre is inspired by Celtic or Nordic heritage, this band showcased themes in native American heritage. The band don’t describe woodland scenes. They formed out of a collective desire to explore the heritage of the eastern woodland Indians of North America .Their new album connecting with people of similar ancestry through eclectic and atmospheric guitar music that tells a story . They have crafted a rich folk atmosphere that rivals the well established European black/folk scene.Nechochwen was formed in 2005. In before they had released two full length album entitled “Algonkian Mythos” in 2008 and “Azimuths to the Otherworld” in 2010. Now I am straight going to the point about this new album .

When I was spinning their latest studio effort for the first time I was overwhelmed and this album sounds so authentic,mature and truly epic. This is triumphant sophisticated,neoclassical,orchestral black metal. Nechochwen delivers distinctly experimental, atmospherically remarkable form of black metal with a little bit of the folk leanings.This bands each and every musician did fantastic job on this album in radiant way . This whole album reflects the grand diversity of sound brought together on this album . It is really not easy to describe their musical style . A natural synthesis of dissonant sounds and disparate styles all combined in one bold, enlightened display of unbound creativity Despite the often atmospheric black metal assaults with a lots of segments of slower tempo too where Nechochwen combines folk, delicious acoustic passages with cavernous drum thrashes, intermingled,atmospheric guitars and those effective immense even some clean voice.Black/folk metal can create a wide variety of soundscapes. Nechochwen was able to manage combining black metal with beautiful and vast setting of the Native American heritage,dazzling acoustic passages and Native American instruments like lalawas, flute,hand drum and floor tom.
well,their latest opus opening track is “The Serpent Tradition” . This track starts with absolutely stunning ethereal sounds capes consist with atmospheric slow build, majestic acoustic guitars sound followed by melodic,choppy riffs and a wall of blackened blasting drums and clean vocals.Later the song returns to the sonic assailment and the musical style transformed into a whirlwind of guitar noise laced with aggression,deliberate cadence and progression,folk seasonings. Their whole composition and musical style is impeccable also borrow great atmosphere with sour ,dissonant riffs work . Their whole composition and musical style is impeccable also borrow great atmosphere with unconventional instruments. Their distinct style infused me by a lot. In this album traditional native American folk instruments like lalawas,native american flute,hand drum and floor tom added native American folk metal flavor to Nechochwen’s black metal soundscape and this album borrow the vibe of strong, powerful ,complete and gorgeous atmosphere. Traditional folk instruments create a sort of equilibrium between melody,beauty and ferocity. Honestly saying after a multiple listen this album just blew me away with their atmospheric, the multi-layered,traditional folk musical style. Each and every single member have exudes tremendous effort in radiant way on this album with excellent diligence and nailed it. I highly appreciate and embrace this album.

This album is filled with a slew of cadence, catchy, dazzling,shimmering, slow but powerful riffs work . As well bass line up is whopping, anemic, strong ,rumbling, slithering . Drumming,percussion line up is militant, pounding ,solid,clattering and powerful . In each track delicious, gorgeous, soaring riffs,bass lineups matched in well manner with traditional folk music . The most striking thing you’ll notice about the sound of Nechochwen is flute work, exquisite acoustic guitar works ,traditional folk instrumental work,drumming lineups and extremely well symphonic,rhythmic swells. This whole albums sound deliver a dissonant, melancholic,atmospheric,melodic black metal with emotion and pure energy. “Heart Of Akamon” endures beauty of black metal. This whole album take you on such scenic journeys with their hymns to nature,Tribal rituals,native American traditions from beginning to the end. This album indulge strong songwriting and brilliant musicianship. This album have a hypnotic, hallucinate effect on the listener .I owe their natural sounds. vocals low pitched screams ,rousing battle voice, howling ,immense even some clean voice emerged on this album in a well manner and intertwined perfectly with their unique,atmospheric black metal laced with melodic,native american folk metal musical accompaniment also embedded perfectly. I really worship this band and they have their own unique identity.
Each song have an energy ,fluency and draw a beautiful native American folklore landscape .Each and every single track is mind blowing. I personally Cherish all of them. Here I want to mention a track especially “October 6, 1813” and “Kišelamakong” because those aforementioned tracks are flawlessly acoustic oriented with beautiful composition. Album artwork is Pretty neat,solid and portray the native American history.Overall “Heart Of Akamon” whole album is Spectacular,engrossing ,significant and remarkable . This album sounds so authentic,epic and a truly remarkable sonic journey from beginning to end . Indeed this album is such an true gem of this year . Outstanding another one release of this year so far . The US bruisers still possess all the necessary skills and hard-won experience to put younger,newcomer challengers in their place.If you looking for something different, epic this black/folk album will take you on a journey into another universe and rekindle your love for black/folk metal. Submit your sense to this beauty.

My Rating – 4.9/5

Album Review done by Souvik Basu. Published on 10.10.2015

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