

Restless Mind released "We are still Alive"

Moscow metal band Restless Mind released their third album. The new album called "We are still Alive" (Мы Ещё Живы) and have 9 songs that were recorded at "Playmaker Sound Studios" by Roman Novichkov. Artwork done by Mark Erskine. 


1. We are stil Alive (Мы еще живы!) 05:29 
2. The Cross (Крест) 04:25 
3. Wind of hundred roads (Ветер ста дорог) 03:36 
4. Instinct (Инстинкт) 04:37 
5. Reset 04:00 
6. To see the sky (Видеть небо) 04:00 
7. Without Tears (Без слёз) 05:24 
8. Moths (Мотыльки) 04:46 
9. Terabytes of emptiness (Терабайты Пустоты) 04:32

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