Czech Republic's purveyors of chaos, Ritual whispering, invocation Inferno and the bringer of wrath, darkness, and liberation Draconian elite Athenian black metal group Devathorn call upon the maddening rays with the brand new split on this year entitled " Zos Vel Thagirion" via World Terror Committee. They both have created a sound as powerfully evil and they intend to abuse us with a punishingly relentless display of rhythms and some overall solid riff, albeit a touch generic for the genre. This is filled with more unearthly, astounding, critical acclaimed, heavy, claustrophobic misery, enigmatic melodies. Indeed they both are the well-established group of bands who can make a full sound and creative and with lots of excellence, ritualistic, hatred, blasphemy in his lyrics, with well crafted, distinct content. After so long in existence, they have gathered a wealth of experience and dark talents, which they liberally pour into their music. "Zos Vel Thagirion" is infernal and raging metal of blackness. They have unveiled this interview about new incantation, history and many more. Aforementioned both bands have poured their musical devotion into a chalice of sulphur flame where it burns with obsidian light.
1. Hello, how are you doing today?
Inferno: Greetings, busy but doing well. Glad that our new split release is finally out, less excited about spending the next few hours typing out the answers, however that is an important part of the promotional cycle.
Devathorn: Greetings, doing well, thank you. it is an honor to be hosted in this interview.
2. Inferno was formed in 1996, as well Devathorn was formed 2002, So, both bands are formed in late ' the 90s/early 2000s, So Can you give me a brief history of how the band got together? Had you been in any bands or musical apparition before Inferno and Devathorn?
Inferno: In case of Inferno, the very beginnings were anything but special. Several friends who were obsessed with all things metal started a band. Many people came and left, a lot has been
recorded and released, but all that can be easily found online. Besides a couple of small guest sessions (which I am not doing anymore) my only band has always been Inferno. The other band members are involved in bands like Torc, Throneum, Chaomega or A.H.P.
Devathorn: Devathorn was formed in late 2002, continuously re-adapting and transforming until finally become a solid entity with a core lineup that has remained almost unchanged until now. There were various bands and projects we were involved in before sculpting ourselves to the stature of Devathorn, but most of them are now lost to memory. All of them though had a decent role in granting experience and musical or ideological resolve, that was later expressed gradually through Devathorn s work.
3. What bands inspired the direction that Inferno and Devathorn took and motivated you? Writers?Visual artists? Movies? Books?
Inferno: Other bands were important for the beginnings of Inferno but nowadays we try to forge our own path. Groundbreaking bands like Blut Aus Nord, Bathory or The Cure have encouraged us to overcome our self-made limitations and tread into musical spheres previously unknown to us. Sometimes it can happen that a vibe of certain visual creation can make such an
impression that there is an effort (often unconscious and realized much later) to recreate that
vibe musically according to our own perspective. Literary works can provide a vocabulary to
express certain visions, ideas. However, the list of writers, musicians or artists in general that
have made impression on us would be endless.
Devathorn: The pool of inspiration was filled from a multitude of sources, almost impossible to name with accuracy. The pioneers of the genre strongly affected our perspectives, such as Bathory, Master’s Hammer, Venom and the totality of the first wave of Black Metal gave us a strong motivation to create radical and morbid forms of Art. This result was forged by a total perspective built by our inclination to a phenomenally paradoxical mixture of influences by classical composers, various extreme musical genres of the past decades, dark electro, the early periods of the ambient scene etc. All those, in accordance with a mindset composed of Classical literature, poetry, gothic horror, and dark fantasy masters, forged the early form of Devathorn.
1. Hello, how are you doing today?
Inferno: Greetings, busy but doing well. Glad that our new split release is finally out, less excited about spending the next few hours typing out the answers, however that is an important part of the promotional cycle.
Devathorn: Greetings, doing well, thank you. it is an honor to be hosted in this interview.
2. Inferno was formed in 1996, as well Devathorn was formed 2002, So, both bands are formed in late ' the 90s/early 2000s, So Can you give me a brief history of how the band got together? Had you been in any bands or musical apparition before Inferno and Devathorn?
Inferno: In case of Inferno, the very beginnings were anything but special. Several friends who were obsessed with all things metal started a band. Many people came and left, a lot has been
recorded and released, but all that can be easily found online. Besides a couple of small guest sessions (which I am not doing anymore) my only band has always been Inferno. The other band members are involved in bands like Torc, Throneum, Chaomega or A.H.P.
Devathorn: Devathorn was formed in late 2002, continuously re-adapting and transforming until finally become a solid entity with a core lineup that has remained almost unchanged until now. There were various bands and projects we were involved in before sculpting ourselves to the stature of Devathorn, but most of them are now lost to memory. All of them though had a decent role in granting experience and musical or ideological resolve, that was later expressed gradually through Devathorn s work.
3. What bands inspired the direction that Inferno and Devathorn took and motivated you? Writers?Visual artists? Movies? Books?
Inferno: Other bands were important for the beginnings of Inferno but nowadays we try to forge our own path. Groundbreaking bands like Blut Aus Nord, Bathory or The Cure have encouraged us to overcome our self-made limitations and tread into musical spheres previously unknown to us. Sometimes it can happen that a vibe of certain visual creation can make such an
impression that there is an effort (often unconscious and realized much later) to recreate that
vibe musically according to our own perspective. Literary works can provide a vocabulary to
express certain visions, ideas. However, the list of writers, musicians or artists in general that
have made impression on us would be endless.
Devathorn: The pool of inspiration was filled from a multitude of sources, almost impossible to name with accuracy. The pioneers of the genre strongly affected our perspectives, such as Bathory, Master’s Hammer, Venom and the totality of the first wave of Black Metal gave us a strong motivation to create radical and morbid forms of Art. This result was forged by a total perspective built by our inclination to a phenomenally paradoxical mixture of influences by classical composers, various extreme musical genres of the past decades, dark electro, the early periods of the ambient scene etc. All those, in accordance with a mindset composed of Classical literature, poetry, gothic horror, and dark fantasy masters, forged the early form of Devathorn.
4. There are two basic ways of looking at music. In the first, there is a mechanism for the arrangement of certain tones, musical the second, a narration occurs where a story is told or a poetic function completed. In your view of compositions, which is more important? Where were you when you first thought the project had the longterm potential for you?
Inferno: In the last few years we have tried to give abstract feelings and ideas a musical form, which is often done by controlled improvisation, experimenting, getting out of our comfort zone. We try to put ourselves in such states that allow us to produce notes and words without a
conscious input. Then if something is created out of this, we allow the more rational processes
to take part and give the sounds/words more logical, interconnected form. Both ways, you
mention, should complement each other. We never thought that Inferno will exist for so long, there has been only focussing on the current steps or the near future; welcoming and processing anything that comes before us. The only thing we want to avoid is stagnation. If the future will see new fresh music or the band's dissolution, we don't care. There is no plan for Inferno to exist for as long as possible.
Devathorn: Surely not a mechanical procedure, that is for sure. We create process our material through a procedure of a natural, vigorous channeling of the inner flame, whereas the torch of creation is ignited. There are no standards or preconceptions, almost always the final result is far from what first seemed like one. Cannot recap the initial moments, since they are all powerfully melted into the ongoing experience of creation and every new urge for creativity is still as dynamic as the first spark of Devathorn’s creation.
5. What for you is the significance of the name, “Inferno ” as well "Devathorn"?
Inferno: In the early days, the name Inferno was suggested by our drummer who at that time was fascinated by The Divine Comedy, especially the Inferno part, by Dante Alighieri. The
reasons behind his fascination and our acceptance of the band name must be obvious to
anyone who read the book. Nowadays we feel that the Inferno refers to the fires of passion burning within us, motivating us to tread further on the path of musical and personal ascension and our dedication to the art of Black Metal.
Devathorn: Devathorn consists of a word formation, a linguistic vibration with the task of materializing our perspectives into nine letters, selected and crafted as a power word to bear the fiery message of our Art.
6. If you could tour with other bands in metal, who would you pick if you were looking for bands similar to Inferno and Devathorn?
Inferno: We have always chosen to tour with bands that act instead of talk. Bands made of dedicated, hard-working people who get the job done. For that reason, we have often toured with bands that were musically quite different from us. Next year we will tour with Acherontas, which is a good example of an industrious band with which we share certain musical and spiritual visions. And last year we toured with Mayhem, which was a huge experience and a lesson in professionalism. Some could view such tour as a sort of a “goal” for black metal band. However, we do not have “dream tour mates” or something like that. But to answer your question I would pick Ascension, Nightbringer and Rebirth of Nefast.
Devathorn: This would be a very difficult decision, surely only certain bands with similar perspective and attire to the vision of Devathorn and Inferno. The tour itself would be a thunderous declaration of our Art and a monumental experience.
7. Since the late '90s each and every year Inferno as well from 2007 Devathorn's released albums, demos, EPs, Split, compilation etc and shaped the style of music. How do you maintain this consistency yet keep developing with each album? How do you write your riffs, songs? What is the most difficult part about composing songs as you do?
Inferno: In Inferno, the compositions were done by a single person with input from other, often different members. Each recording is a reflection of the band in a particular period of time,
therefore every recording is different while the essence remains the same. Since “Black Devotion”, the music has been composed by Ska-Gul, who prefers to compose at home, usually trying to capture a desired tone or vibe, instead of just hammering down the
riffs as they come and choosing the best ones. The ideas are then consulted in detail with
others belonging to the band's closest circle and there are other aspects that may influence the
process of composition. Getting into the right state of mind to be able to write music or words can be sometimes difficult, however, we never try to force it.
Devathorn: Since the very beginning, the process of creation of a new musical entity is completely improvising. We regard the spiritual process equal of significance as the technical details of the sound. For us, it is a standard belief that the result of sound in Black Metal is not just Amps and guitars, but derives from something deeper. We create the music that we want to listen to, and we continuously charge the result with our inner fire while it is molded into a final state. It is not the quality of the production that makes an album differ, but its soul and sincerity to the motives behind creation. Apart from that, there is also a careful manipulation of sound in order to create the proper sonic environment for the listener to delve into the hidden layers of our work.
8. Do you have a preference for type of equipment? In your mind, how important is equipment to the production of music?
Inferno: We already own what we need and we are not tech geeks. The right, quality equipment is, of course, important for achieving your vision but there are many other aspects that influence the production. In studios, we have always experimented with all available equipment but we eventually used the tried and tested brands.
Devathorn: The equipment is a tool to the process, being important to the sonic result. Although we are very selective and careful in utilizing the proper recording equipment, delivering our sound is not only a matter of gear and amps. The divine spark and the soulful, dedicated work is what truly sets an album on fire.
9. Well, now I’m going to the main point about new Split. On the 11th of December via World Terror Committee Inferno and Devathorn new split “Zos Vel Thagirion” will release and already unleashed a teaser which sounds extremely promising. When were these tracks written, and how does Inferno/Devathorn go about the writing process?
Inferno: The process of creation of our side of the split was a lengthy affair for various reasons. I think that first musical notes were written in 2016 and the final mastering was done around the turn of 2017/2018. However, since we have been playing live quite a lot and struggled with finding a permanent drummer, it was occasionally difficult to find time for creation, not to mention that we need to get into the right “mood”. And what also delayed the work was the search for the right and available sound-engineer who would enhance our vision. We couldn't work with Tore Stjerna, who is responsible for the sound of our last two albums, due to our conflicting schedules, but thankfully Stephen Lockhart stepped in and handled the mix and mastering. What also deserves to be mentioned is that our former drummer Sarapis, who recorded drums for “Black Devotion” and “Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness”, worked with Ska-Gul on arrangement of the split material, even during the time when we already found a permanent drummer and for that reason he also plays on the split.
Devathorn: “Zos Vel Thagirion” conception was a very challenging process and a period of drastic changes within the Circle of Devathorn. Having achieved a powerful impact with “VRITRA”, the challenge was strong and the urge to dive deeper into the spiritual and philosophical context of the Draconian Current more potent than ever. The magical formula of ZSVTH derived from a context that has been brewing within the Circle and was now bearing fruits. The addition of two new full members empowered the entity of Devathorn with fresh potential and wider horizons to explore, in terms of musical composition and perception, elements that have been stirred into the cauldron of creation. The new material that has been spawned granted life to the magical formula and the result was utterly powerful. “Azazyel Iscariot” and “Omphalos” signify the new risen form of Devathorn, selected to make a dynamic statement, whereas “Azazyel Iscariot” is a bridge from the past elements to the future form and “Omphalos” consists of an alchemical transcendence among the circle of Devathorn and Michael Idehall, a feral, unbound revision on the original. Recorded and mixed in 9800 Studios by Antonis K., while mastered in Necromorbus Studio by Tore Stjerna, the result was crafted to become a flaming paradigm of Draconian Black Metal madness.
10. What's going on as far as lyrical themes on “Zos Vel Thagirion”?
Inferno: Simply put, thematically our song “The Solitary Immersion into Autarchic Silence” mirrors the lyrics of “Upheaval of Silence” from “Gnosis Kardias”. An individual sentience does not merge with the seemingly absolute divinity, instead, it achieves its own apotheosis, creating an existence, where silence is everything...
Devathorn: Zos Vel Thagirion and the sigil work of ZSVTH that was symbolically received and crafted to empower the endeavor, consist of a Typhonian dissolving formula and a clavicula animis to the primordial Qliphothic worlds of Ilan Hizon, the Tree of Knowledge and Death. Deep within this blazing Sun-shell of Tagaririm, Man becomes Beast and the Beast becomes Man, forged, unified and embodied to become God and beyond God, to surpass the messianic curse and the karmic cycles alike. We perceive the total as a Draconian formula that acts and reacts, the golden scimitar of Iblis drenched into the desert madness of Sutekh, flaying the layers of reality and Self to unearth despicable truths. It is the topaz emerald of the Boddhisatvas, the pyre of the Seers and the palm of the Prophets, the abode of Daemon and the totemic manifestation of Kténos, where the realization becomes consciousness and all dialectics become a sinister, animalistic Glossolalia. An atavistic, bestial incantation of dispute and revolt, a call upon Ba'al-Phagor to lead the path to inner volcanic realms. The assemblage point of apokténosis to apotheosis, the Sun above all Suns, the Eye of DRAKON.
You can stream the latest opus right below :
11. I’ve noticed Inferno /Devathorn musical style reminds exceptional black metal with the low-pitched screams/chants laced with old-school black metal influence along with avant-garde esque. would you agree with this though aforementioned black metal stalwarts, its purveyors willingly eschewed publicity and allowed 2018’s ceaseless deluge of quality releases to subsume their monumental collaboration. ?
Inferno: For us, it has been important to remain true to our vision of real black metal. This vision has broadened, while, at the same time becoming more focused and so in the past years we have been also trying to create something original, or at least something that would be
unmistakably ours. After all, the genre-defining classics were unique at their time and still
remain so. We don't care about too many releases being released nowadays. The real, unique, powerful records will eventually find their way to the true fans and listeners. The hyped crap will be forgotten in the end.
Devathorn: The musical result is always a matter of the listener to judge and perceive, being the final receptor of the musical and spiritual work that has been put into the release. We wouldn’t feel content if this was a typical Black Metal release, our task and purpose were to deliver a forceful declaration and the word of DRAKON, stirring the stagnant waters of the genre. The collaboration was meant to achieve this goal, uniting the seemingly different but strongly connected aspects of Devathorn to an amalgam of trance and power.
12. I’ve categorized Inferno's and Devathorn's significant black metal, How did you get into this style of music and explain about this very rare known music genre?
Inferno: I would not consider black metal be “rare known” as it draws way too many people and outsiders who are attracted to the genuine mysticism of the real bands, however, they will never grasp it, as it is just another fancy product for them. In the very beginning, I didn't care that much what kind of metal bands play, I was obsessed with all facets of this music. But later with Inferno, I started to feel that “divine spark” in the genre, which became my greatest passion in my life.
Devathorn: It is difficult to define the initial motives that orchestrated our musical identity. A confluence of inclinations to the morbid elements of art and a mixture of influences and the call of the inner fire, those would be the most characteristic impulses that always led us to conceive and create within the Black Metal context.
13. How would you describe the sound of the new Split to someone who hadn’t heard it, and what distinguishes your music from any other act in the same genre?
Inferno: In the last years, the music of Inferno has been often described as a fusion of genuine black metal with psychedelia. The music is certainly heavily layered and that is not rare nowadays. However on the latest album and especially with “The Solitary Immersion into Autarchic Silence” we thought in terms of “soundscapes” instead of just layering one guitar on another. Which is quite fresh and I am sure that the song will take a dedicated listener's mind for quite a trip. However such a question should be answered by someone outside of the band.
Devathorn: As stated above, this would be the listener’s task to define. Musically, Zos Vel Thagirion could be described as violent, feral and yet atmospheric, majestic and psychedelic by all means. Countless sonic elements converged into 33 minutes of music and reverence.
14. Do you guys have any official videos coming out soon?
Inferno: An associate of the band is working on the visuals that will accompany the Youtube stream of our new song but it won't be a typical “video” but rather abstract visuals underlining the music.
Devathorn: An official video of “Azazyel Iscariot” is already completed and will be soon revealed to the audience, whereas one more is on the works for “Omphalos”. More details will be undisclosed when the time comes.
15. How do you explain the album title, what it means and the album art and how it coincides with the lyrics, themes?
Inferno: In one of the previous answers I wrote a very fundamental description of our lyrics. Then I suggest to read the lyrics themselves when available and then one should study what the
qlipha Thagirion represents as well as the concept of Spare's Zos. These provide context and
background to all the ideas, both veiled and evident, that form the thematic body of the whole
release. As always, I prefer when the listeners try to grasp the concept themselves, as it enriches their experience. We provide enough keys I think.
Devathorn: As stated and analyzed above, “Zos Vel Thagirion” is a magical formula strongly connected with the sixth Qlipha of the Tree of Death, the realm of Tagaririm and the cortex of Sol Niger, a milestone and crossroad of the Draconian Current. Within this embodiment of atavistic, animalistic, imperial, catastrophic and recreational forces, the abode of ZSVTH reigns. The adept is confronted with the purest, raw and raging form of consciousness and realization of the Higher Self, unbound by all misconceptions of mundane stability and equilibrium, to be reborn anew. We wouldn’t delve deeper into the context, as it is an esoteric journey and experience that is constructed as a personal endeavor for the musician and the listener, an igniting pyre to guide the aural path-working to the unmapped corridors of this Qliphotic sphere. All the peripheral elements regarding the sigil and lyrical work, the paintings, layout, and presentation, collaborate in building a monument of this magical work as symbolism, riddles, and dynamic denotations.
16. Who came up with the album cover? I personally cherish Inferno's as well as Devathorn's each and every album artwork because those are truly indelible, remarkable, appreciable and meaningful too.
Inferno: The artwork was done by José Gabriel Alegria Sabogal who also created artwork for our latest full-length “Gnosis Kardias” and since our song loosely continues the concept of that album it made sense to approach him again. Besides being a great artist, Mr. Sabogal is also well versed in esoteric matters, therefore through his art, he is able to offer his own interesting perspective to the music and lyrics. Without resorting to excessive cliché his visuals are an important part of the whole record's mosaic.
Devathorn: The paintings were drawn and crafted by a remarkable artist, Jose Gabriel Allegria Sabogal, a true pioneer painter with extraordinary vision, further combined and structured into a stunning layout result by the infamous Mentalporn, a great designer that has signed numerous layout work into the extreme genre. We are more than satisfied with the result and were truly excited to see it printed and pressed.
17. Let's talk about your early memories. What's the first gig you ever went to? Have you been to any killer live shows lately?
Inferno: I don't really remember which particular gig was my first. It certainly wasn't anything huge like Iron Maiden or Metallica, probably some lousy local heavy metal band. In my city, we
used to have a venue called Rock Kedlub, and trust me, it was quite a miracle that something
like that even existed during a Communist regime. The club used to be visited by people from
the whole region of Northern Moravia to see concerts of various local thrash and heavy metal
bands, screening of live concerts of famous western bands but also western action movies and
porn. I think I was around thirteen when I experienced this metal madness for the first time.
But after Velvet Revolution, we had plenty of now, legendary bands, playing here when they
barely had their debuts out like French Massacra, Samael, Anathema, Solstice, Amorphis,
Pungent Stench, Desultory or the Czech names like Master's Hammer, Root, Denet, Morbid
Existence, Vitacit, Komtur, V.a.r., Total Death etc. etc. I am certainly grateful that I could
experience these times. The bigger bands also found their way to newly established Czechoslovakia like Kreator, Slayer, Tiamat, Black Sabbath, or Napalm Death. From those
bigger names I, for example, cherish a memory of seeing Death with Chuck Schuldiner,
supported by Kreator. Actually, I think that was my first gig in a huge concert hall. The last concert which left a truly huge impression on me was the performance of Death in
June in Krakow.
Devathorn: It is very difficult to recall, yet it must have been a local extreme metal gig back in the ’90s. There used to be numerous local gigs as the scene was boiling with revolutionary inspiration against all odds and the puritanical stance of the society. Have been to some good gigs, most remarkably the latest Laibach performance, an act that has been very significant throughout the years.
18. In before you guys performed a lot of gigs so, Which show was the most memorable to you so far? Do you get a good crowd response? Did you get offers to play in other countries or anything like that?
Inferno: There have been plenty of memorable concerts and in recent times we have been lucky to have an audience that was clearly immersed in the music. Both attentive crowds as well as the violent ones. So the exchange of energy was there. Speaking for myself, my favorite memories of Inferno concerts are those that took place in the nineties. Especially the ones with Maniac Butcher in Germany; we used to play together so frequently. These gigs were absolutely underground, the organization was often quite loose, the equipment wasn't anything special but the magic was there. Not to mention that we were an Eastern Block band and so playing in the west made a huge impression on our younger selves. It was also great to meet people from legendary bands like Katharsis, Moonblood, Mayhemic Truth, Judas Iscariot, Grand Belial's Key or Marcel from Sombre Records.
Devathorn: Every gig and performance is unique and a special moment for the course of the Circle of Devathorn. We set our full essence to perform and express our Art, to turn the stage into a shrine and set it on fire. It is an act of dedication and commitment to the forces that lead us to create and the devotees that bare witness. There are a lot of plans for spreading further and set foot in more stages in the future, bearing the word of DRAKON. Our main goal now is to complete the successor of “Vritra” and “Zos Vel Thagirion”, a monstrous task that is already in the final stages of conception.
19. Do you study other bands music to come up with ideas?
Inferno: Well, since we are dedicated listeners and fans it is obvious that bands which made a strong impression have somehow influenced us. It would be difficult if not downright impossible to discern what exactly is ours and what has been shaped by others. However, the ideas for
music and lyrics need to come from within. And instead of thinking in a way “let's play a riff in a vein of band X and see it how it goes”, we think what kind of vibe needs to be captured,how does it work in the context of the song, album, concept, and in the context of Inferno as the band.
Devathorn: Our influences derive from various sources, but never outright and usually coming from musical genres outside the narrow fields of metal and black metal in general. Apparently, the listener is subconsciously affected when becoming a composer, but it is very important for the process of creation to be a unique and forceful channeling of our spiritual and musical motives. Thus, the work of several other acts, bands and musical forms may impress us as listeners, but the material of Devathorn derives straightly from our Inner core of inspiration.
20. Vocals style is raspy, aggressive, raw and tortured .appreciate your vocal do you prepare your vocals before the studio or especially for live performances? Did any band, in particular, inspire you in the shrieking department?
Inferno: I have never felt inspired by other vocalists and I never tried in imitate anyone. To be honest I am not a very skilled vocalist and I feel quite limited technically. I rather focus on my inner feelings, how they connect to the music and try to express what is necessary. I also don't do any vocal exercises before concerts or recording. I simply need to concentrate and connect myself to the vibrations of the sounds, vibe of the evening and later to the energy on stage.
Devathorn: The vocal lines are constructed during, or after the process of composing the song structures. Being based strongly on the urge, evolution, and improvisation, it is difficult to foresee how the vocals will end up sounding like, mostly being affected by the track’s energy and aura. Therefore, they are usually different in form and structure in every track and album.
21. Is there a difference in the band’s sound as compared to the Full length, EPs and demos you’ve released in the past?
Inferno: Yes, every recording of Inferno is quite different as explained in one of the previous answers.
Devathorn: Surely, yes. The sound of Devathorn has evolved greatly since the first era of the band, having passed through several stages and will pass through many more. We strive for evolution overall and will never follow a safe, stagnant path of a standard form of creation, regardless of the success of a release’s sound in the past. We always regard our each release a step for further evolution, improvising and setting the standards
higher every time.
22. World Terror Committee has been a great supporter of extreme metal, especially black metal. So, it’s nice to see that you’re signed to them now. How did this happen?
Inferno: When searching for a new label after “Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness” was released, we approached several labels that we deemed worthy. Some have replied positively, WTC included and we decided to work together.
Devathorn: World Terror Committee has been the cradle for powerful releases in the genre, having unleashed numerous great releases. It is very important for us to be hosted and presented under the banner of a label as WTC that is professional and amongst the leading black metal purveyors worldwide, yet still loyal to the underground scene and attitude. It was an honor to begin our cooperation back in the days of “Vritra” and did a great job now with the release of “Zos Vel Thagirion”.
23. You guys are from the Czech Republic and Greece, how much have you discovered about the extreme metal scene and how much of it were you aware of before the band started?
Inferno: I have been aware of the Greek scene since the 90s but now I am interested in its bands more than ever. The scene is strong and my favorites are Acherontas, Devathorn, Varathron, Naer Mataron, Thy Darkened Shade, Acrimonious and Rotting Christ.
Devathorn: The Greek Black Metal scene of the 90s, wherein we have been forged and matured as listeners, granted us the spark to begin, along with the Scandinavian scene of that time and several other pioneers of the genre. The Czech scene especially, with the early, glorious works of Master’s Hammer, was always a great influence. Inferno was also known to us since their early days of their long career and it was an honor to collaborate upon this release.
24. There is some satanic imagery with your lyrics, logo, theme. Is this just an image or something you believe in?
Inferno: I'm not sure if I would label all this as exclusively Satanic but if you understand Satanism as a strife for self-perfection (very simply said) and the most important underlying current of Black Metal then I definitely stand behind it 100%. All the spiritual practises experienced and the knowledge gained directly and indirectly thanks to my dedication to black metal music and its “culture” had a profound effect on me and I believe they influence everything I do. By this, I do not mean I study from bands and their lyrics of course. The music was, however, a trigger and a catalyst for further studies.
Devathorn: Every part of our releases, be it imagery, lyrics, sigil work, and stage performance is strongly connected to the spiritual and ideological core of Devathorn. For us, every bit as important and all details are significant to the release’s symbolism and denotations, being a strong link to the musical, sonic and aural result. Using symbols and religious attire without the context, despite being the sad case for the vast majority of the nowadays scene, is a profound ignorance and mockery that only ridicules the aforementioned bands.
25. What do you do as individual band members to relax, when not working on music? Do you have jobs or business?
Inferno: We all have jobs, we do not live off music. Our leisure activities mostly revolve around the music and the art in general but they also include traveling/hiking for example. A lot of time is also dedicated to personal studies, exercises of mind and body.
Devathorn: Our families, jobs and academic career hold also a significant part of our lives, while other forms of art and athleticism, martial arts and studying complete the circle. It is very important to us to hold a balance across the feral expression and continuous evolution in music, personal evolution, and success within the hardships of the modern world.
26. What albums are you listening to lately or just the bands and albums, in general, you're really digging right now and tell me about your anticipated album of this year?
Inferno: Lately I have been listening to the most to these albums: Misotheist – Misotheist, Svartidauði -Revelations of the Red Sword, Whoredom Rife - Nid - Hymner av hat, Devouring Star - The Arteries of Heresy, Outre - Hollow Earth, Sargeist – Unbound, Sektarism "Fils de Dieu, Slidhr -The Futile Fires of Man, Ascension - Under Ether, Funeral Mist - Hekatomb. Listing my all-time favorites would make a much longer list.
Devathorn: This year has been a great one for many genres with numerous outstanding releases. If needed to point out some, surely Funeral Mist’s “Hekatomb” and Trepaneringsritualen / Nordvargr “Alpha Ænigma” would be the ones that really made a powerful impact.
27.last one question, what are your future band goals & tell us something about an upcoming tour. Lastly, lots of teenagers aim to be full-time musicians. Many of them might be without any proper guidance, any words of wisdom for them?
Inferno: We are slowly working on the next album. Some musical demos and written conceptual texts already exist, but it is too soon to say where it is going to take us or when the new album will be released. It will certainly pick-up the threads of the last releases, however, we are determined to push things further. Our tour with Acherontas in March is currently being
booked and there are other plans in motion. People should watch our Facebook sites for
updates. We are neither full-time, professional musicians nor the right people to offer guidance to others. We are only certain that any artistic endeavor should be pursued with passion and
dedication because there will be many sacrifices to be made along the road.
Devathorn: There is a herald and powerful successor in the works, a new album that will bear the mark of the Sulphur Dragon and will cut deeper into the Qliphotic netherworlds. The process of creation endured throughout the forging of “Zos Vel Thagirion” left us with a hungering urge to fully materialize this vision, a huge evolutionary step for the circle of Devathorn. Our humble advice to every individual that now sets course would be to always strive for sincere, honest expression and finding their personal element, to create something unique within the extreme soundscapes.
28. That's all I've got right of luck for the upcoming release “Zos Vel Thagirion”.this Split is one of my anticipated release of this year. thanks a lot for enduring this torture haha. Any final thoughts, comments for the readers? If I forgot anything, please insert it in here.
Inferno: Thank you for the interview and best of luck with your zine.
The war never ends.
Devathorn: Thank you too for this great and detailed interview, such a powerful support honors the Circle and compliments our work. Open your hearts to the call and revere upon the maddening vibrations of "Zos Vel Thagirion" and the dementia of Sorat, heed the trance of DRAKON within this sonic amalgam of raging, hysterical Mystagogy.
The interview was done by Souvik Basu. Published on 16.12.2018