

Polish Supreme Blackened Acts Cultum Interitum Released New Single On This Year

The obsession with anything outre is not exactly a novelty in the metal scene, but when it comes to notoriety in terms of black metal bands Poland is usually not the first place that comes to mind to a vast majority of people.  After a brilliant demo "Sorgspell" from 2017 and EP "Temple of Triumphant Death" off this year Polish black metal veterans Cultum Interitum on this year another single unveiled entitled "Deathlust".
This one even heavier and more aggressive along with a sheer amount of spine-chilling, atmospheric experience. They have really does the trick for the atmosphere is the overall murky, mysterious, Juxtapositions of darkness and light, the misty sound that comes from the music. Their black metal that conjures effective atmospheres without neglecting the rest of the music. With their natural determination, they raised the size-able monument, the obelisk of pure art, exquisitely constructed of both aspects of black metal. 

From the very start with a powerful and sublime intro that takes you for a spiritual journey through the murky galaxy. Their sound, the musicianship is absolute prime, with every song unleashing a seething torrent of scalding dissonance and insidious melody, scorching distortion, and barbaric, blasphemous invective, all of which combine to produce an overarching atmosphere of creeping, crippling dread. 

Overall you will get sinister, gloomy, desolate, mysterious ambient from this whole Single. 
"Deathlust" is the band’s another one most refined and comprehensive distillation of the blackened essence yet combining atmosphere, melody, harsh aggression and avant-garde sophistication of supreme blackened art. Cultum Interitum perfectly places itself on a triumphant pedestal wielding an outstanding and provocative track also manages to maintain a solid atmosphere throughout.

Published By Souvik Basu. Dated 30.11.2018

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